Welcome To BMsys

Being engaged in the construction of turnkey solar power plants, our company always pays special attention to the quality of our installation work. The station designed, built and launched into the network should work for more than 25 years without requiring additional costs for operation and repair from its owner. Therefore, the installation and installation of a solar station plays an important role in our work.

  • Engineering
  • Connection
  • Mounting

Advantages our team

A great way to save a lot of money on your electricity bill every year is to buy solar power plants.

Installation of a solar station includes:

  • Acquaintance with the technical conditions of work, preparation of the place of work, safety briefing;
  • Unloading equipment at the facility
  • Installation of mounting brackets according to the drawings.
  • Installation of solar panels on the roof, canopy, ground structures
  • Connection of switching equipment, cable routes, inverter, monitoring system, protective equipment and grounding


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years of work


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